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About Us

About RefiJet

RefiJet was started by a group of experienced entrepreneurs with experience in auto finance, financial services regulatory compliance, lending/leasing, and business operations. They recognized that to provide consumers with a variety of attractive refinance options, they needed to create a company that had the highest standards of regulatory compliance in order to attract multiple lenders.
Our Story

How It All Started

The Mix of the Right People & the Right Technology

RefiJet’s founders knew they needed to use leading-edge systems that ensured seamless customer service and the highest levels of data security to ensure customer confidence. They had to hire a team of highly experienced managers who could build and lead a team of Financial Services Representatives, Funders, and Title Clerks to support fast, accurate, and professional processes.

Launching in October 2016, RefiJet immediately offered auto refinancing virtually nationwide and with multiple lending partners that could serve a wide variety of consumer credit profiles. Over time, as the Company proved its ability to provide superior customer service, data security, and regulatory compliance, additional bank, financial institution, and credit union lenders joined and existing lenders increased their loan volume. In turn, this resulted in RefiJet being able to serve even more consumers at all credit tiers.
Our Story

Growth & Continuous Improvement

The Company has maintained a strong commitment to continuous improvement.  A custom application process system and industry-leading call center technology have been implemented and all systems are regularly tested and updated to ensure top performance.  The Executive Team is constantly evaluating ways to make the process more seamless, faster, and more convenient for consumers and its Lender partners.
Our Technology

Auto Refinance Technology That Saves You Time & Protects Your Data

Once you provide us with your application information, our system goes to work. It automatically evaluates it against the lending programs from multiple lenders to find the best options for which you qualify. Then, when you choose what auto refinance solutions work best for you, our system automatically and securely transfers the data onto the loan documents. You don’t have to fill out multiple applications or forms looking for the best deal.
Industry-Leading Security Program

Industry-Leading Security Program

RefiJet has a comprehensive security program with measures that include multiple physical security measures, such as 24/7 video monitoring, data loss prevention methods, and other technology to restrict and monitor access to our offices.

We have sophisticated administrative practices, such as stringent background checks for prospective employees and strong system password protocols. Comprehensive initial and ongoing training programs related to security.
Customer Portal

Secure Customer Portal

Securing and protecting your personal information is our number one priority. We won’t ever email or text your information (or ask you to) – because we won’t risk exposing your information to cybercriminals. Any time documents are sent to or from you, we provide a secure portal to protect your private information. We also require that data is encrypted at all times.  RefiJet continually evaluates our systems and securities and invests in making sure we are as secure as possible.
Data Security
Testing & Improvement

Data Security Testing & Improvement

To make sure your data is safe, we do regular third-party penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to ensure we are as secure as possible and no one has gained unauthorized access. RefiJet continually evaluates our systems and invests in making sure we are as secure as possible.
Our compliance

Committed to Compliance

RefiJet has a comprehensive Compliance Management System to ensure compliance with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and other applicable Federal and State regulations. It’s important to us that we not only follow the letter of the law, but also the intent of the law.

Accordingly, we maintain a corporate culture of compliance that focuses on consumer protection at all stages of the refinance process, from our marketing communications, through the application process, to final loan documents and title perfection. Our goal is always to make sure that the consumer has and understands accurate information about their loan options, is treated with respect, and can be confident that their personal information is being protected.

RefiJet’s Compliance Management System

Formal, written Policies and Procedures that are regularly updated.
Board and executive oversight
Operations and compliance monitoring and auditing
Data security program, including physical, administrative, and technical security measures, data backup and retention policies, and disaster recovery plans
Formal Consumer Complaint Management Process
Formal initial and ongoing training program for employees

Customer Reviews